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Here Comes The Moon

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 17.10.2012

Everybody's talking up a storm
Act like they don't notice it
But here it is and here it comes . . .
Here comes the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon.

Impulse always quickens when it's full
As it turns my head around me
Yes it does and here it comes
Here comes the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon.

God's gift I see that's moving up there into the night . . .
Though dark the mirror in the sky reflects us our light:
Looks like a little brother to the sun
Or mother to the stars at night
And here it is and here it comes
Here comes the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon.

Breath is always taken when it's new
Enhance upon the clouds around it
Yes it is and here it comes
Here comes the moon, the moon, the moon.

Похожие новости.

Прилітай (разом з Андрієм Заліско)

Прилітай (разом з Андрієм Заліско)

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Niczego Nie ?a?uje

Niczego Nie ?a?uje

Nauczy? si? musia?am tego, ?e Upadam, by podnosi? si? Cho? trudno by?o zrozumia?am te? Na wieczno?? nic nie mog? mie? I chocia? nie wiem, co b?dzie dalej Nie boj? si?, dam sobie rade Ka?dego dnia ca?y

Carry On

Carry On

Whatever the words that you hear, Somehow the meaning is clear, We're all on the same ship together, moving on, From the first time that life could be heard, To the last sounds of



Well now She don't need to see the sun ahead Don't need that help from God above If you're losing her don't be sad Cause she will offer you heart attacks She's tired of problems

Я Сашол С Ума

Я Сашол С Ума

Я нормальный парень, но бывает едет крыша Забегаю в церковь и кончаю всем на лица. Пейте мою сперму, суки, это света вода. Я трахнул твою маму и родился сатана. Я цепляю гомиков и завожу

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