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Dear One

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 13.07.2012

Dear One near me - truth assessed
Reborn worldwise - mind at rest
True heart sow you - God has blessed
Your soul whispers - love confessed

My spirit sings to you now
Creation stands at your feet
My feelings call to you now
Dear One I love (a) you

You hear my spirit sing to you
You see creation at your feet
You feel my feelings calling you
You know Dear One I love (a) you

Dear One show me - simple Grace
Move me toward Thee - with each pace

My spirit sings to you now
Creation stands at your feet
My feelings call to you now
Dear One I love (a) you

You hear my spirit sing to you
You see creation at your feet
You feel my feelings calling you
You know Dear One I love (a) you

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