Is There Anyone Out There?
I never found out what made you leave
Another day's over just an hour to go
Well I tried to phone last night but you never answered
Just left me ringing on the line
Outside is there anyone out there anyone else outside
Woah outside love is there anyone out there anyone else outside
My face in the mirror shows a break in time
A crack in the ocean, it does not align
I tried to sleep last night, but I've caught ya dreaming
About days we used to wonder away
Outside is there anyone out there anyone else outside
Woah outside love is there anyone out there anyone else outside
Look out of the window maybe you can call by my name
Another night over babe another light comes on in vain
Well I tried to phone last night but you never answered
You just left me ringing in the air
Is there anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh
Anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh
Anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh
Anyone out there (anyone out there) oh, oh
Anyone out there (anyone out there)
Похожие новости.

Шорох каблуков, каре и юбка-мини, Ты запутался во мне, как муха в паутине. На часах - уже домой, ключи звенят в кармане, Ты во мне, а я в тебе, как опий в наркомане. Ты

If Ever I Could Love
I used to cry in the middle of the night Baby hold me tight But there was nobody beside me when I opened my eyes Now I've turned a corner on those days

Tell Mama
You thought you had found a good girl One to love you and give you the world Now you've found that you've been misused Talk to me I'll do what you choose I want

Right Moves
All of a sudden now you're back again I thought you were happy with whoever or did you dream about me now and then Did you look up at the stars and

Прости, Что Я Не Ангел
Не проси, я не стану другой Я всегда буду только собой Никогда я с огнём не играла Но сама без огня зажигала. Буду я сводить с ума Буду я других нежнее Буду первая во всём Я второй