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Can You Deal With It?

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.09.2012

There must be somebody
Who'll make love to me
Blow the rules away
Trash these yesterdays

Live in sympathy
Use psychology
To find the twist in me
Can you deal with it?

A recent enquiry
Showed no boundary
Love's the only way
Can you handle it?

Can you deal with it?
Can you deal with it?
Can you deal with it?
Can you deal with it?

Can you deal with it?
(when you ain't sorry...)
Can you deal with it?
(for all that you apologize)
Working up to something
I know you're up to something

Can you deal with it?
(something's got to happen)
Can you deal with it?
(something's got to get me up)
Can you deal with it?
(nothing ever happens)
Can you deal with it?
(nothing's ever good enough)

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