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Love Voodoo

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.08.2012

When I first met you on the roof
You cought me in your web of youth
But now I know the wicked truth
It's much to late so what's the use in fighting?

You peel me like an onion skin
And wonder at the state I'm in
One day you'll turn up to begin
And find there's nothing left but innuendo

Beside you others fade away
Like Amateurs in love's charade
Much more than just a game you play
These certain rules become a way of living

Night after night I try to prove
That I can resist you
Tied up inside your Love Voodoo
Designed to Manipulate

The Queen of sensuality
You shelter me from Liberty
It's nothing short of Piracy
That's not to say it doesn't please me sometimes.

Now this may come as no surprise
But I'm content to compromise
Until the day you realize
That I have been manipulating you

Night after night I try to prove
That I can resist you
Tied up inside your Love Voodoo
Designed to Manipulate


Yes, I'm tied up inside your loving
But it's voodoo to me

Everynight how I try
How I try to resist you
But it's no good to me

Night after night I try to prove
That I can resist you
Tied up inside your Love Voodoo
Designed to Manipulate

Night after night I try to prove
That I can resist you
Tied up inside your Love Voodoo
Designed to Manipulate

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