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Ball Of Confusion

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.07.2012

People moving out
People moving in
Because of the color of their skin
Run, Run, Run but you sure can't hide

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
Vote for me, I'll set you free
Rap on brother, rap on

Well the only person talking about love
thy brother is a preacher
See, No body is interested in learning
but the teacher

Obligation to the nation

Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion
That's what your world today
Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion
That's what your world today

is like an all time high
City's aflame in the summer time, and
Oh, The beat goes on

Evolution, Revolution, Evolution....
Gun Control, the sound of soul
Politicians, can you fucking believe them?

And the band played on
And the band played on

Round and around and around we go
Where ever we're standing no body knows

Take a look around
Can't you hear me talking to you?
Just a

Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion
That's what your world today
Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion
That's what your world today

See it in the air
Tension everywhere
Unemployment rising fast
Killers gangs watch your ass

Gun control, the sound of soul

Obligation to the nation

Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion
That's what your world today

That's what your world today
Ball of Confusion, Ball of Confusion.... repeat

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