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One Of Those Days

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.09.2012

Suddenly it all looks so familiar
Gone and wrecked it like I always do
Don't you know it?
Life is out to kill 'ya
But you still go getting on with it

Seen better times than right now
But I'm not running away
No nothing's gonna bring me down

It's just been one of those days
I'm not the only one

They can drag me to the gates of hell now
There's nothing left but I'm still hanging in
Not for me, ain't no final showdown
I'm too shattered to do anything

Seen better times than right now
But I'm not running away
'Cause nothing's going to bring me down

It's just been one of those days
I'm not the only one feeling this way
And I'm not sorry

I'm not the only one feeling this way
And I'm not sorry
Not running away

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