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You Got The Silver

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.10.2012

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Hey babe, what's in your eyes?
I saw them flashing like airplane lights
You fill my cup, babe, that's for sure
I must come back for a little more
You got my heart you got my soul
You got the silver you got the gold
You got the diamonds from the mine
Well that's all right, it'll buy some time
Tell me, honey, what will I do
When I'm hungry and thirsty too
Feeling fooling (and that's for sure)
Just waiting here at your kitchen door?
Hey baby, what's in your eyes?
Is that the diamonds from the mine?
What's that laughing in your smile?
I don't care, no, I don't care
Oh babe, you got my soul
You got the silver you got the gold
If that's your love, just leave me blind
I don't care, no, that's no big surprise

Похожие новости.



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