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Oye Baby

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.07.2012

Mi salsa es caliente! (my salsa is hot!)

Mi cuerpo pide - oye! (my body wants - listen!)
Mi cuerpo pide - oye! (my body wants - listen!)
Oye oye oye

oye mi cuerpo pide salsa (hey, my body wants salsa)
y con este ritmo (and with this rhythm)
vamos a bailar (let's dance)
oye mi cuerpo pide salsa (hey, my body wants salsa)
y con este ritmo (and with this rhythm)
no quiero parar (i don't want to stop)

Hey boy, i see you lookin'
I know you're watchin'
But you won't make that move
Oye, I know you want me
I'm trying to show you
There's no way you can lose, oh baby
C'mon over here and give me what i want
If you don't know how, i'll teach you fast
We don't have to worry 'bout tomorrow now
I know that i want you and i want this night to last


There now, a little closer
Just hold me tighter
And you'll be doing fine
Rico! (ahhh..) that's what you feel like!
You warm my body
Just like the bright sunshine
Everytime i touch you i feel no worries
I discover things i never knew
Feeling this desire coming over me
Can no longer fight it I just want to be with you

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