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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.07.2012

I gave her sweet illusions
She was in deep confusion
Then i accepted her debut...and...
I taught her every move i knew.

I dropped my hat and fear has gone,
I've always felt what she wants
You know... she was my student on fridays,
My lover on sundays,
We wanted to learn that hot-blooded dance.

It's my favorite surprise,
I've been fooled more than twice.
I thought that i was her dancer,
The only romancer
But she wanted more than a tango dance.

You gave me sweet illusions,
I gave you love profusion,
We harmonized our fantasies
But at least there's one more dance that we have missed.
I'll put on grill your heart of steal
Then you could feel that i am real.
You're still my student on fridays,
My lover on sundays,
Hold me tight
We're dancing one more night.

It's my favorite surprise,
I've been fooled more than twice.
I thought that i was her dancer,
The only romancer
But she wanted more than a tango dance.
It's my favorite surprise,
I've been fooled more than twice.
I tried to be her romancer,
Mysterious dancer
But she changed the rules of my tango dance.

It's my favorite surprise,
I've been fooled more than twice.
I tried to be her romancer,
Mysterious dancer
But she changed the rules of my tango dance.

My tango dance,
Take off your pants
And let's begin a new romance.
Now hold me tight,
There's no appetite
That's our crazy tango life.

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