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Things Ain’t Like They Used to Be

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.07.2012

I went around the way for you
Did all those things you asked me to
I thought it was the perfect day
Till she just opened up to say

It doesn't mean a thing to me
It doesn't mean a thing to me
And it's about time you see
Things ain't like they used to be

I headed out to Lester Hill
But that just made me weaker still
She's got the kind of love I need
The kind that's never good on me

It doesn't mean a thing to me
It doesn't mean a thing to me
And it's about time you see
Things ain't like they used to be

I walked into the battle blind
It happens almost all the time
The yard is kind of overgrown
And all those happy times are gone

It doesn't mean a thing to me
It doesn't mean a thing to me
And it's about time you see
That things ain't like they used to be

It doesn't mean a thing to me, oh
It doesn't mean a thing to me
And it's about time you see
Things ain't like they used to be

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