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Girl Is On My Mind

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.11.2012

Girl is on my mind,
Girl is on my mind,
Try to ignore it,
I try to unwind,
But she is on my mind,

Eyes are in my eyes,
Eyes are in my eyes,
Where I've been,
How time flies,
When she is in my eyes,

See her standin' there,
See her standin' there,
She's gentle now and she,
Takes great care,
See her standin' there,

Hold me close to you,
Hold me close to you,
Not one thing that I,
Would not do if you,
Would hold me close to you, alright,

Girl is on my mind,
She is on my mind,
Try to ignore it,
Try to unwind,
But she is on my mind,

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