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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 15.08.2012


Yea! I feel so alienated, alienated, yea.

Ooh. yea yea yea where did it go

Some say I've become a shooting star. I've been wondering where you are...seems like your forever and a day away. Momma told me it would happen one day.
Feels like we've been apart for some like years. _____in my heart filled wit my tears. Stars aligin I'll be your girl again.( What I'm tryna say) I want u back a my board again.


Your the reason I won't change my number
(Want u to know that its still the same)
And I bet u remember that summer
(When we kicked it everyday)
Don't know how it happened just happened kinda like we (faded away) and I felt so alienated (don't u fell so alienated).

I miss u and I want u back (back)
I lost your signal where u @ (at)
And I don't know how we lost contact. Where did u go? I'm searching for you.

Can't get u outta my
(System, Outta my system, outta my system)3x's
Can't get u outta my
(System, Outta my system, outta my system)
Can't get u outta my
(System, outta my system, outta my system)
Where did u go? I'm searchin 4 u!

Sittin watching time pass by me. Voices in my head askin why me. Man I wish u coulda stopped by my place. But the only time we talk is on myspace. By the way have u found my repalcement? She should be the one on this space ship. Breakin up for u when ur not there, u got me in another galaxy. I'm not there!


Your the reason I won't change my number
(Want u to know that its still the same)
And I bet u remember that summer
(When we kicked it everyday)
Don't know how it happened just happened kinda like we (faded away) and I felt so alienated (don't u fell so alienated).

I miss u and I want u back (back)
I lost your signal where u @ (at)
And I don't know how we lost contact. Where did u go? I'm searching for you.

Can't get u outta my
(System, Outta my system, outta my system)3x's
Can't get u outta my
(System, Outta my system, outta my system)
Can't get u outta my
(System, outta my system, outta my system)
Where did u go? I'm searchin 4 u!
Where did u go I'm searching 4 u. Rea

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