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Pops Belief

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 24.07.2012

Yeah, yeah, bring it on
Uh huh, with the ya ya, yeah
Just sitting around kicking it a little bit
I thought we would record something tonight
And I do want to dedicate it to two very outstanding people
I live the spirit of
Gentlemen Crispus Attucks and Mr. Marcus Garvey
Thank you so much

The Believer
If I were a believer, I believe I would believe in the beginning
Everybody's beginning
Mine, that my very first ancestors were front row and present
When God stepped to the mic
I believe from the creation of the Garden of Eden
The separation of the tribes
Our long marches across the desert
Being [?] kids
For instincts born in caves of ice
All, each and every one, the souls of one God
Granted earthly existence to allow each to earn
The blessing of transcending, time-traveling throughout the universe
With the blessings and well-wishes of my fathers, prophets of my own
No search, no steer, no mysteries
We inherit the power to turn nightmares into dreams
For those of us who come from less than [?] circumstances
Dreams. good dreams, sweet dreams, dreams come true
Truthful dreams, truthful dreams become life
Life becomes belief, belief becomes live!
Live the life you believe
The American dream, the black American dream, the universal dream
For the sake of the unwritten laws of humanity, I believe in God
I believe in my ancestors, I believe in my offsprings
I believe in Dr. Saviour, I believe we must stop Willie Lynch'n mention each other
I believe in the truth, truth
See you next lifetime

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