It’s Not Love
(But It's Not Bad)
She was always there each time I needed you,
Holding on to me like I held on to you,
We still don't have what you and I once had;
No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad.
No, It's Not Love, not like ours was. It's Not Love,
But it keeps love from driving me mad;
And I don't have to wonder who she's had.
No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad
I turn to her when you leave me alone,
Sometimes even when you're here, and you're still gone.
She'e slowly changing what you leave so sad;
No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad.
No, It's Not Love, not like ours was. It's Not Love,
But it keeps love from driving me mad;
And I don't have to wonder who she's had.
No, It's Not Love, But it's not bad
Похожие новости.

Не можу без казки прожити і дня І ночі не можу прожити без казки, Вигадую їх і вплетаю зненацька Крізь струни гітари в буденне життя. Приспів: Казка моя у серпневому небі Падають зорі з сузір’я Плеяд. Я

я пам’ятаю дуже-дуже давно коли ми ще пахли небом ми ще не вміли не знати хто ми є не вміли не вміти жити ми надягали потерті рюкзаки бігли щоранку в сонце це було так давно але ж ти повір що

Can’t Take It With You
Never realized how much she brought to the table Till I went to sit my cup of coffee where the table use to be No cats, no bed, no heirloom antique cradle An'

The Dream Is Over
Baby, why'd you leave me On the airport with my fingers Put together while I was praying for your lover I wasn't keen on love at the moment I didn't even like your modesty

Gate 21
The love that you bring You bring me alone The pain that you give Gives me a home Do you want to stay by my side Do you want me to turn and hide We are