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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 03.08.2012

(Stevie Wonder)

Over time, I've been building my castle of love
Just for two, -
Though you never knew you were my reason
I've gone much too far for you now to say
That I've got to throw my castle away

Over dreams, -
I have picked out a perfect come true
Though you never knew it was of you -
I've been dreaming
The sandman has come from too far away
For you to say come back some other day

And though you don't believe that they do
They do come true
For did my dreams
Come true when I looked at you
And maybe too, if you would believe
You too might be
Overjoyed, over loved, over me

Over hearts, I have painfully turned every stone
Ooh, just to find, -
I had found what I've searched to discover
I've come much too far for me now to find
The love that I sought can never be mine

And though you don't believe that they do
They do come true
For did my dreams
Come true when I looked at you
And maybe too, if you would believe
You too might be
Overjoyed, over loved, over me

And though the odds say improbable
What do they know
For in romance
All true love needs is a chance
and maybe with a chance you may find
You too like I
Overjoyed, over loved, over you

Похожие новости.



Обворует душу ветер осенний. От загульной жизни нету спасенья. Чей-то взгляд сегодня сердце мне тронет И луна в вине, как в небе утонет. Ночь-подруга ла ла ла ла ла Со мной закрутит ла ла ла

Че На Чем

Че На Чем

Я дарила тебе крылья, Я была такой бессильной… Я хотела влезть поглубже, Зацепить любовь и душу… Я хотела, я хотела, я… Такое тело бы В дело бы. Че на чем… че на чем… Не меняй позиций — будет



you haven't been crying crying since you learned to talk you haven't been falling falling since you learned to walk you haven't been stumbling stumbling since you learned to move you haven't been dancing dancing since you

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niedopitej kawy czarny smak kiedy rano biegniesz zdoby? ?wiat w?tpliwo?ci cienie gdzie? na dnie czy naprawd? musisz wszystko mie? pod namiotem nieba cuda skryte s? lecz nie tam gdzie szukasz ich przydymione szyby wielkich miast a za



Dans le creux gris-vert Je m'accroche ? ce bout amer Dans le pli mousseux Dieu j'ai le coeur peureux en mer A bord, sans terre, sans port, je cherche le rep?re Kerisper, est-ce un jardin

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