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While You See A Chance

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 13.09.2012

Stand up in a clear blue morning
Until you see, what can be
Alone in a cold day dawning
Are you still free, can you be

When some cold tomorrow finds you
When some sad old dream reminds you
How the endless road unwinds you

While you see a chance, take it
Find romance, fake it
Because it's all on you

Don't you know by now
No one gives you anything
And don't you wonder how you keep on moving
One more day, your way
Go your way

When there's no one left to leave you
Even you don't quite believe you
That's when nothing can deceive you

While you see a chance, take it
Find romance, fake it
Because it's all on you

Stand up in a clear blue morning
Until you see, what can be
Alone in a cold day dawning
Are you still free, can you be

And that old gray wind is blowing
And there's nothing left worth knowing
And it's time you should be going

While you see a chance, take it
Find romance, fake it
Because it's all on you

While you see a chance, take it
Find romance
While you see a chance, take it
Because it's all on you!

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