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On A Christmas Night

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 26.06.2012

I was awakened on a Christmas night
Somebody shaking me and shining a light
?€?Wake up the winter is here
And snow is falling on the ground?€?

Out of the window ?€?twas a magic sight
And for a little boy it was a magic night
My friends were playing outside
And snow was tumbling on the ground

And we saw a thousand candles in the night
Moving to the church upon the hill
When the people saw us they said ?€?come inside?€?
And the song that night they sing it still

We are here to celebrate the birth of a child
Who came to the world
We are here to celebrate the life of a child
Who came to the world
We are here to celebrate the birth of a child
Who came to the world
We are here to celebrate the life of a child
Who came to the world on this night
We are here to celebrate the birth of a child
Who came to the world
We are here to celebrate the life of a child
Who came to the world, to the world
We are here to celebrate the birth of a child
Who came to the world
We are here to celebrate the life of a child
Who gave to the world
His love

I was awakened on a Christmas night?€¦

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