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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.06.2012

Last last I dreamed that you and I were in awful storm
With no place to go or shelter anywhere
And it took a while to realize the reason for the dream
Now the meaning of it all is coming clear
The storm was on the trouble we've been having
No shelter was the answer we can't find
And the screaming of the raging wind that chilled me to the bone
Must have been heavy on my mind

And when today you called to tell me it was over
Lord I knelt when the phone began to ring
Yeah it took a while to understand the reason of it all
But now I know the meaning of the dream
The storm was on the trouble we've been having
No shelter was the answer we can't find
And the screaming of the howling wind that chilled me to the bone
Must have been heavy on my mind

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