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Don’t Ever Let It End

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.09.2012

Don't let it end.
Don't let it end.
Don't ever let it end.

Well, I got two tickets to the game.
It would be great if I could take you to this someday.
Well, I'll walk you home when the whole things done.
If you're there, I don't even care which team won.

We could stop at the coffee shop.
And make fun of the cops in the parking lot.
We could laugh as we both pretend that we're not in love and that we're just good friends.

Well, I'm tired of pretending, but I'm terrified of it ending.
I know if not for you there's nothing I could do to ever let it end.

And I know you feel the same way, because you told me drunk on your birthday.
And as you pulled me near, whispered in my ear - don't ever let it end.

Don't let it end.
Don't let it end.
Don't ever let it end.

Saturday I'm gonna take her out.
Because her favorite band is gonna play downtown.
Gonna sing the song we've all heard, about those two young friend who should have fell in love.

Later on we'll cut through the park.
And she can hold my hand because she hate the dark.
And we could laugh as we both pretend that we're not in love and that we're just good friends.

Well, I'm tired of pretending, but I'm terrified of it ending.
I know if not for you there's nothing I could do to ever let it end.

And I know you feel the same way, because you told me drunk on your birthday.
And as you pulled me near, whispered in my ear - don't ever let it end.

Please promise me that this won't end.
Don't let it end.
Don't let it end.
Don't ever let it end.

Greatest times we ever had, was crazy nights just looking back and laugh.
You never know where life's gonna go, because we're the only ones who will ever know.

About Sunday night, just her and I.
Sitting side by side in the full moon light.
I pulled her close just to hold her tight and the both of us could tell it just felt right.
She looked at me in the sweetest way.
Like should could tell what the hell I was about to say.
Must have took a while to find the words because she cut me off and finally said it first.

Well, I'm tired of pretending, but I'm terrified of it ending.
I know if not for you there's nothing I could do to ever let it end.

Yes, you know I feel the same way, because I told you drunk on my birthday.
And as I pulled you near, whispered in your ear - don't ever let it end.

Please promise me that this won't end.
Don't let it end.
Don't let it end.
Don't ever let it end.

Please promise that this won't end.
Don't let it end.
Don't let it end.
Don't ever let it end.

Don't let it end.
Don't let it end.
Don't ever let it end.

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