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Love Has a Mind of Its Own

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.11.2012

(Dallas Frazier)
« © '68 Acuff-Rose Music, BMI »

I'd love to forget every time that you kissed me
I'd love to forget that you're gone
I'd gladly hold back each tear that I'm crying
But love has a mind of its own
Love is a ruler the greatest of kings
Love sets a peon a throne
Forgetting you darling is not my decision
For love has a mind of its own
I don't wanna carry this worrysome heartache
I don't want to cry all night long
I wish I could run from the day that I met you
But love has a mind of its own
Love is a ruler the greatest of kings...
Love has a mind of its own

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