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Change Of Heart

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.08.2012

You're trying to tell me something
Every time I come near
I got a feeling the message
Is the one I don't want to hear
You can deny all you want to
But I know you enough to know
Why not come right out and say it
You've been trying to let me down slow
So let's talk before the tears drop

You've had a change of heart
Well I guess that's up to you
I couldn't change my heart
Even if I wanted to
You've had a change of heart

Your kiss sends a message
And I detect the signs
I got enough understanding
Of a lover to realize
That you can't make him love you
Though I give you my best
You're keeping your heart at a distance
And it breaks me up to confess

Change of heart
Well I guess that's up to you
I couldn't change my heart
Even if I wanted to
Change of heart
Baby, everyone to talk to
You've had a change of heart

Is this just a notion
A phase that will pass
A mixed up emotion
Or is this change gonna last?

Baby let's talk
Before the tears drop

You've had a change of heart
Well I guess that's up to you
I couldn't change my heart
Even if I wanted to
Change of heart
Everyone to talk to
You've had a change of heart
Am I losing you, losing you

Change of heart
I couldn't change my heart
Am I losing you, losing you
I couldn't change my heart

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