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Bal Masque

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.09.2012

So many hearts, so many years, so many people in this vale of tears,
But there is one you will meet again, in this endless duet of the dance,
Then the carriages come and the ladies descend with their dreams,
With the gloves and the mask, nothing is here what it seems;

One touch is all it takes, two hearts will meet again,
I will know you tonight when I see you at the Bal Masque,
One touch is all it takes, two hearts will celebrate,
In the heat of the night, when I see you at the Bal Masque;

Another face from another time, another place in another life,
Behind the mask is an open door to the someone that you've been before,
Then the music begins, and the colours are starting to change,
She comes in from the garden, I know that it's her right away;

One touch is all it takes, two hearts will meet again,
I will know you tonight when I see you at the Bal Masque,
One touch is all it takes, two hearts will celebrate,
In the heat of the night, when I see you at the Bal Masque,
At the Bal Masque, at the Bal Masque, at the Bal Masque,
At the Bal Masque, at the Bal Masque, at the Bal Masque,
So many hearts, so many years,
Another face from another time,
Another face in another life, at the Bal Masque,
So many hearts, so many years.

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