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Love Of The Heart Divine

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 07.08.2012

And he laid her down in a field of corn,
And the sun was on his back,
Up above there was, a clear blue sky,
she held him by the hand,
she had known him since they both were young,
He'd been always in her life,
And the first time that he had kissed her lips,
she knew it deep inside, that this was;

Love of a different world, love of the life,
Love of the ancient ones, love of the heart divine;

Through the long hot days and the summer nights,
he was always by her side,
Just a boy and girl in an innocent world, before the Flanders tide,
When the autumn leaves had turned to gold,
She would have her wedding day,
And the people sang like an angel choir,
And everybody said that this was;

Love of a different world,love of the life,
Love of the ancient ones,love of the heart divine;

Then the winter came, and the winds of war were blowing with the snow,
And he looked so fine in his uniform, she knew that he must go,
When the soldiers left on the morning train,
She was waving him goodbye,
And as the tears rolled down, for the very first time,
The baby kicked inside, and this was;

Love of a different world,love of the life,
Love of the ancient ones,love of the heart divine;

Love of a different world,love of the life,
Love of the ancient ones,love of the heart divine.

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