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Dreaming Of This

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.07.2012

I've been waiting
And patiently praying
For this moment all my life
And I never
Thought I'd ever
Feel so glad to be alive

I've spent so many years dreaming of this
I'm long overdue
And finally all my dreams are happening
In an ideal form of you

[Whitney Wiatt:]
Let's take this moment
Squeeze it and hold it
For the rest of our lives
Then the time will never come to say goodbye

I've spent so many years dreaming of this
I'm long overdue
And finally all my dreams are happening
In an ideal form of you

[Whitney Wiatt:]
Form of you

Form of you

And I may not be perfect
But I'll always
I'll always be there
Because I know you're worth it
You're the answer
To all of my prayers

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