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The Equalizer

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.09.2012

So stay
What for?
Get lost
Off the floor
'Cause there's fire all around
'Til my hands tap the door

Spring time
You're going to wish that we were friends
That we talked
You'll never feel so sure again
So now
There'll be no more lessons no more cures
'Til you get yours, baby, in the end

Oh run
Give way
Which face?
Whose name?
You're falling from my eyes
To the bottom, you're all the same

Spring time
You're going to wish that we were friends
That we talked
You'll never feel so sure again
So now
There'll be no more lessons no more cures
'Til you get yours, baby, in the end

Spring time
You're going to wish that we were friends
That we talked
You'll never feel so sure again
So now
There'll be no more lessons no more cures
'Til you get yours, baby, in the end

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