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First To Never Know

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.07.2012

I just passed a cheap motel sign
Think I stop here and stay the night
First one alone in a long time
Right thing to do's not feeling right
Bright and early I'll be moving on
Could've been more miles between us
Until I'm finally gone

Well, I might go to Vegas
Somewhere where it snows
I might end up in Dallas
On some old dusty road
On the coast of Carolina
Who knows where I'll go
But when I find out
You'll be the first to never know

I gave up more than you know
Let you follow your dreams
Put mine on hold
Gave you my love, gave you my soul
But in return your cheating left me cold
Your lies ain't worth one single tear
One thing's for sure, I'm outta here

Well, I might go to Vegas
Somewhere where it snows
I might end up in Dallas
On some old dusty road
On the coast of Carolina
Who knows where I'll go
But when I find out
You'll be the first to never know

---- Instrumental Interlude ----

Well, I might go to Vegas
Somewhere where it snows
I might end up in Dallas
On some old dusty road
On the coast of Carolina
Who knows where I'll go
But when I find out
You'll be the first to never know
Yeah, when I find out

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