Same Old Song
Now I love country music
And I guess I always will
But these days, when I turn on the radio
It's just not the same thrill
I like a song that gives me chillbumps
Now and then there's some that still do
But I'm fed up with the same old vanilla
Hey how about you
I'm tired of the same old guy
With the same old song
About the same old love
It goes on and on and on
Same old guitar
And the same old strum
I may be country but I'm not dumb
Hey there Mr. Songwriter
Come and visit in my home
Then tell me about life being perfect
And love that goes on and on and on
Then ride with me in my old Bronco
Down to the factory for eight hours
Then let me introduce you to my supervisor
Then write me a song about sunshine and flowers
and the same old guy
With the same old song
About the same old love
It goes on and on
Same old guitar
And the same old strum
I may be country but I'm not dumb
I want to hear a song about passion
I want to hear a song about sin
I want to hear a song about redemption
Yeah, sing me one of them
Tell me about a cowboy in Australia
Tell me about a prisoner in China
Tell me about some old stock car driver
Down in Orangeburg, South Carolina
Instead of..
the same old guy
With the same old song
About the same old love
It goes on and on and on
Same old guitar
And the same old strum
I may be country but I'm not dumb
Same old
Same old
Same old
Похожие новости.

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Doing It Wrong
[Verse 1] When a good thing goes bad it's not the end of the world It's just the end of a world, that you had with one girl And she's the reason it

Скрипка Гра
Вже догорає небокрай І злітає жовтий лист - Моя печаль. Вже ідуть від неба до землі, Ідуть дощі, як скрипалі, У синю даль. Приспів: Скрипка грає, серце крає, Наше літо догорає. Скрипка грає, плаче гірко, То кохання гасне зірка. Вже полум’яні

Голодні Студенти
Всяка худобинка крихітна Хоче поїсти зрання. Добре на шлунок і вигідно Їжу приймати щодня. Тут не існують якісь вихідні, Людоньки, їжте, не будьте дурні! Божечку милий, як хочеться жерти мені! В мозок голодний, ображений Лізе усяка фігня: Індик там