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Funky Jam

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 04.07.2012

So hard to get that dog is dead 'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.
We called an ambulance without any reason 'n' told the man it was...yeah! Funky time!

It was the best thing on that boring Saturday while we made plans what we're gonna do that day.
My friend's little dog Muffy got a heart attack. It was real but we both just laughed at that.
It took some time to get that dog was dead 'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.
We called an ambulance without any reason 'n' told the man it was dog hunting season.

The man screamed, I guess he felt some pain in chest. He left up but I think it was best.
'n' although we got two bodies in the house these guys are ready to get of the most guys.
We left the house 'n' the dog 'n' the New York 'n' left back just bad, bad, bad talk.
Like I told we took off those two guys.

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