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Tell Me A Lie

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.09.2012

Can't ever get it right
No matter how hard I try
And I've tried
I put up a good fight
But your words cut like knives
And I'm tired

As you break my heart again this time
Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you're needing distance distance
Tell me everything but don't you say she's what you're missing baby
If she's the reason your leaving me here tonight
Spare me what you're thinking and tell me
Tell me a lie!
You're the charming type
That little twinkle in your eye
Gets me every time.
And well there must 've been a time
I was a reason for that smile
So keep in mind
As you take what's left of you and I
Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen listen

Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you're needing distance distance
Tell me everything but don't you say she's what you're missing baby
If she's the reason your leaving me here tonight
Spare me what you're thinking and tell me
Tell me a lie!

(Tell me a lie! )
(Tell me a lie! )

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you're needing distance distance
Tell me everything but don't you say she's what you're missing baby
If she's the reason your leaving me here tonight
Spare me what you're thinking and tell me
Tell me a lie!

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