This Song For You
Hello darling, this is the army,
I've just got the time to write,
Today we attack, there's no turning back,
The boys they're all ready for the fight.
Yes, I'm well but this place is like hell,
They call it Passchendaele,
In nineteen seventeen the war must be ending,
The General said this attack will not fail;
So I'm writing down this simple little melody
When you play it my love, think of me...
We'll be together in this song for you,
And it goes La la la ... sing it darling ... La la la...
They got old Bill and the Sergeant is still out there
Wounded in some shellhole,
They say this war will end all wars,
Oh God I really hope it will,
Oh how's old England, are they still singing
Those songs that we loved to sing,
When all this is over, we'll go sailing in Dover,
Catching fish like we used to with a string,
Oh I miss you, I miss you, I miss you so !
If they get me my love you will know...
We'll always be together in this song for you...
And it goes La la la ... I have to go now...
Take care of yourself my love.
Похожие новости.

The One That Got Away (Remix)(feat. B.o.B)
B.o.B: It’s crazy, ’cause nights like this Would start out with a little private party You sneak me in your Mom’s house I know i gonna spill my drink, but I wasn’t tryin’ to spill

Пристань Любов
В полi ми вдвох заблукали, Стежка петляла в житах, Сонце всмiхалось лукаво, Жайвiр у небо злiтав. Поле моє волошкове, Хвиля хлiбiв золота. Пристань моєї любовi Чиста i звабно свята. Приспiв: Доля нас тут повiнчала Пiд атрибути свої: - Твоєю я квiткою

Я Не Могу Без Тебя
Вниз по небесной лестнице, Обернувшись облаком, Опускался Бог. Ты посадила деревце, Я его от холода еле уберёг. Я за нелюбовь тебя простил давно, Ты же за любовь меня прости. Припев: Я не могу без тебя, Я не могу без

Even Now
Even now, when I think of all the summers that have gone, and all the friends and lovers I have known, still there is a memory that will not let me go, And I

Who Owns My Heart
Creation shows me what to do I'm dancing on the floor with you And when you touch my hand, I go crazy yeah The music tells me what to feel Like you now but,