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Bonus Track

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.10.2012

I want to be real
Not some conscience to myself
The way you worship, never ending
Some idol who’s pretending to be true
How you put upon yourself
A man who never seems
To answer to you words
So go and make me over

I’m a fly upon your neck
You can’t control me
I have my words, my voice
My strengths, my choice
And I can cut as deep
Just as deep as I need

Don’t want your advice
Cos I’ve made up my own mind
The way you bore me with the stories
Of far and distant times
I’ve heard it before
So don’t try that on me
The way you worship, never-ending
Some idol who’s pretending to be true
It could be you
Brainwashed by the lies
It’s no surprise
That you’d wanna waste your time

I’m a fly upon your neck
You can’t control me
I have my words, my voice
My strengths, my choice
And I can cut as deep
Just as deep as I need

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