Those I’ve Loved
I remember waitin’ by the curb with Mr. Murphy
When daddy picked me up from school his eyes were red
We drove to the hospital in a hurry
Where my family gathered round my Grandpa’s bed
He was my best friend
He taught me how to fish
And I cried listenin to my daddy pray
For one of those I’ve loved along the way
She had a ribbon in her hair the day I met her
That whole next year we couldn’t get enough
And after graduation she took off for Denver
And for awhile we both tried to keep in touch
She was my best friend
And it broke my heart
But I don’t regret the day that she became
One of those I’ve loved along the way
And I hope they know
I never woulda made it this far on my own
Where would we all be without those
Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers
The friends I’ve made, the long lost lovers
I wouldn’t be who I am today
If not for those I’ve loved along the way
Along the way
Now I’m just a country boy with a guitar
Lookin’ back down this old road I’ve been travelin’ on
It was never about tryin’ to be some big star
For me it’s always been about these songs
You see they’re my best friends
They’re the life I live
And I hope they put a smile on the face
Of those that I’ve loved along the way
Cause I wouldn’t be the man I am today
If not for those I’ve loved along the way
[Thanks to Corey for lyrics]
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