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Just In Time

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 16.07.2012

Just in time I heard the cry,
And looking up I saw the snowbirds wheeling in the sky;
They said, "We are the last ones left",
And so I brought them in , I gave them comfort, gave them rest,

Just in time, to live another day,
Just in time, oh they'll live another day;

Just in time I read the book,
Such a revelation, we must give back what we took,
Or the Earth will roar like a wounded beast,
The mountains will come crashing from the valleys to the sea,

Just in time, oh don't throw it all away,
Just in time, don't throw it all away...

"Who will save this world of mine,
Will you save it just in time?"

Just in time, I saw the dawn,
Watched the sun arising on a field of golden corn,
And through the mist, a million sang,
Friends of the Earth, calling out to every man,

Just in time, oh don't throw it all away, no, no, no,
Just in time, oh we'll live another day...

Ooh, how can I tell you how close we have come,
That the end of our world has already begun,
There are so many things we will not see again,
Every day there's another one dying away...

Calling for help,
Help from your hand,
Hand coming down,
Down to the world;
World it is time,
Time for us all,
And all that is life,
To be living together before everything slips away.

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