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Where Have I Been All My Life

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.07.2012

Been down the road to work and back
Been in what I thought was love a few times
But every once in a while I stop and ask
Where have I been all my life

These days broccoli don't taste so bad
And neither does swallowing my prde
And I'm agreeing more and more with my old man
Where have I been all my life

Some years are clear and some a little blurry
Man how they fly by
Mom and dad sure got old in a hurry
Where have I been all my life

Been learning that forgiveness is as much for myself
As it is for the other guy
And I read the good book these days and believe it
Where have I been all my life

Repeat Chorus

I heard "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong
It brought a tear to my eye
After all these years I finally get that song
Where have I been all my life

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