Uneducated Democracy
When doors of hope open
To illuminate silence
Release us to the Utopians
Let go of your resistance
As sex scandals dictate
The winding road of realpolitik
The bully runs from his corner
Images rule through the media
Hungry hunger further
The hungry hunger further
Thanks for allowing us to fuck you
Behind closed doors, closed minds
Attractive feudalism
Commercial Orwellianism
Thanks for allowing us to fuck you
Behind closed doors, closed minds
Attractive feudalism
Commercial Orwellianism
The final revolution
Will illuminate silence
Release us to the Utopians
Let go, let go
In dire need of reason
In a truly deaf nation
In dire need of reason
In a truly deaf nation
Without an education there is no real democracy
Without an education there is only hypocrisy
Just you
Sitting alone
Open your eyes
Open your mouths
Close your hands
And make a fist
Down with the system
As we lay helpless against the machine
Open your eyes
Open your mouths
Close your hands
And make a fist
Down with the system
As we lay helpless against the machine
Open your eyes
Open your mouths
Close your hands
And make a fist
Down with the system
As we lay helpless against the machine
As sex scandals dictate
The winding road of realpolitik
The bully runs from his corner
Images rule through the media
Hungry hunger further
The hungry hunger further
Thanks for allowing us to fuck you
Behind closed doors, closed minds
Attractive feudalism
Commercial Orwellianism
The final revolution
Will illuminate silence
Release us to the Utopians
Let go of your resistance
The final revolution
Will illuminate silence
Release us to the Utopians
Let go, let go
In dire need of reason
In a truly deaf nation
In dire need of reason
In a truly deaf nation
Without an education there is no real democracy
Without an education there is only hypocrisy
In dire need of reason
In a truly deaf nation
In dire need of reason
In a truly deaf nation
Without an education there is no real democracy
Without an education there is only hypocrisy
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