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Did You Read The Morning Papers?

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 08.10.2012

(Nickolas Ashford/Valerie Simpson/R. Monica)

Did you read the morning paper
Did you see the front headline
Did you read the morning paper
Baby let me lend you mine

There on the front page was a picture
Of a crowd as they watched a parade passing by
And through the haze of last nights sleep
Something familiar caught my eye

There was a couple looking so much in love, yes
They had a front line view
And as I pulled the paper closer
I realized standing next to her it was you

Did you read the morning paper
Did you see the front headline
Did you read the morning paper
Baby let me lend you mine

Now I know why you've been working late each night
And no longer have desire to ever hold me tight
And your busy, busy schedule was all a lie
Oh, even the dream with a bonus, oh just another alibi

Did you read the morning paper
Did you see the front headline
Did you read the morning paper
Baby let me lend you mine

Did you get the news today
Did you read the morning paper
Isn't the picture very clear
Where do we go from here

Did you read the morning paper
Did you see the front headlines
Did you read the morning paper
Baby let me lend you mine

Oh, what now
Did you read the morning paper
Did you get the news today

Похожие новости.



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