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I’m Counting On You

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 01.11.2012

The night is so wild, and downstairs the child,
Is sleeping, her spirit is free,
For more than an hour, I have walked in the rain,
I've been wondering what she will be,
But where are the heroes, where are the dreams,
That I had, when I was young,
Am I hoping in vain, just to think,
She could change anything?
Well I'm counting on you;

I'm counting on you to bring that sweet gentleness,
To your world and all that you do,
My generation is losing its way,
We don't know, what we're leaving for you,
So may there be millions who feel like you do,
Oh my love, There is so much to know,
There is so far to go,
But you are not alone,
When this is your world,
And I'm counting on you;
Come to me, turn to me, give me your eyes,
When you see the mysteries of time,
Here there are those who just live in the past,
They will never let history lie,
And this sad little island is breaking my heart,
With its dark,
Shades of green,
And as hard as I try, I just cannot see why,
This should be...
I'm counting on you, There is so much to know,
There is so far to go,
But you are not alone,
When this is your world,
And I'm counting on you,
I'm counting on you...

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