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Always Gonna Be That Way

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 27.07.2012

Summer turns this town to bust
When it don't rain, the farmers cuss
But they break the ground and they make the hay
And it's always gonna be that way

The oilfield hands belly up to the bar
With new tattoos and football scars
They go on and on 'bout Itie good old days
And it's always gonna be that way

And the young kids still park up on the hill
'Bout two feel under the stars
And the old men still take off their hats
And they hold 'em over their hearts
I still get chills down in my bones
Every time I see your face
And ft's always gonna be that way

That little white church is gonna have a crowd
Every time a Sunday rolls around
Yeah we read the book and we all pray
And it's always gonna be that way

And the young kids still spark up on the hill
'Bout two feet under the stars
And the old men still take off their hats
And they hold 'em over their hearts
I still get chills down in my bones
Every lime I hear your name
And it's always gonna be that way

Some people leave and don't come back
Chase their dreams down a one-way track
Baby I'm all yours, I'm here to stay
And it's always gonna be that way
Yeah it's always gonna be that way

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