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When You Know You Know/i Think They’re Thinking (Interlude)

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.10.2012

When You Know You Know

You taught me a lesson about love today
Love is not a castle in the clouds
Coz there's a storm, it'll all come crashing down
I'd rather find it like a penny on the ground
Coz that's something I can keep and carry around
Truth is not a feather blowin' round in the wind
It's that jump in your heart, goosebumps on your skin
Just pinch me if it's really happening
Coz I'm more awake than I've ever been
And you're the one from my dream
You're out of my mind
And into my heart
You're more than a feeling
More than I could have thought
I can't deny, I can't say love never comes
All I know is, when you know, you know
And I just know

That love has come in the form of you
If someone put me on a witness stand
I'd point to you, a hardcore evidence
You're proof that you don't have to understand
You can still fall into the right hands
You're the one in my dreams


I was a doubter
A typical, won't believe til I see
Oh so grounded, to think that someone like you
Couldn't be right in front of me

[Chorus x2]

And I just know

I Think They're Thinking (Interlude)

Hate those times when the mirror's not my friend
When everything I see in it offends
Talking back at me I swear it says
All the things I think they're thinking
All the things I think they're thinking about me

About me
On rainy days when there's absolutely nothing to do
But stay inside, bite my nails and chew
On all the things I'd rather not think about thinking
All the things I think they're thinking

Похожие новости.



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