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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.09.2012

Life Life will never be
Life life will never be the same

Time is gettin' cold what is going on
What is on your mind are your feelings gone

Need to see it clear where do we go
why are you doing things all the things you do yeah

Life will never be the same life is changin' yeah yeah
life will never be the same life is changin'

Everybody needs somebody to love to love

Solo yeah
yeah oh oh

In the name of love you should draw the line
got to feel secure
that you're still mine yeah

Life will never be the same life is changin' yeah yeah
life will never be the same life is changin'

Everybody needs somebody to love to love

Solo yeah
yeah oh oh ...

Life will never be the same Life is changin'

Solo oh oh yeah
yeah oh oh yeah
oh oh yeah yeah

Life will never be the same life is changin' yeah
life will never be the same life is changin'

Life Life will never be
Life Life will never be the same

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