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It’s Good To Be Us

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.11.2012

Well baby, there ain't no maybe about it
I ain't made of money
So I know that you ain't hangin round for that
If it grew on trees
The branches on mine wouldn't have no leaves
On a shoe-string, saving every dime we made
No Cadillac cruising, no boat on a lake
Out in no-man's-land on an old two-lane
Yeah but we like it that way

It's good to be us,
good to be breathing
Day after night after day, this feeling
Feels the way it should
If this is as good as it gets, then good
It's good to be us

Aw, give me this air and give me this land
When I lay down at night girl, give me your hand
I can take any hurt this world has to give
As long as I got you, as long as I live
I'll make your life as sweet as I can
I'll move every mountain to be that man
That gives you space and a place to land
You wake up smiling, knowing that

It's good to be us,
good to be breathing

Day after night after day, this feeling
Feels the way it should
If this is as good as it gets, then good

It's better than best, yeah we got it made
In the shade, in the sun, in love this way - yeah
We got lucky baby, we've been blessed
Couldn't ask for more, wouldn't settle for less
It's good to be us, yeah, it's good to be us

It's good to be us,
good to be breathing
Day after night after day, this feeling
Feels the way it should
If this is as good as it gets, then good

It's better than best, yeah we got it made
In the shade, in the sun, in love this way - yeah
We got lucky baby, we've been blessed
Couldn't ask for more, wouldn't settle for less
It's good to be us, yeah, it's good to be us

Baby, it's good to be us
So good to be us

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