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Yeah Boy, And Doll Face!

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 15.11.2012

Were you honest when you said,
"I could never leave your bed",
Wake me up and let me know you're alive
And will you fall in love again?
Is the scent slowly spreading?
I've been answering machines all night

And are the doctors dancing in
While the ambulances sing?
Another boy without a sharper knife...

The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a knife that loves to feel
How do you know how deep to go before it's real?

(Take me home)
Can I even complicate your breathing?
I guess I'm just your average boy
This is me with a knife in the back
And a grip on the grass
It's cold and I don't want to be here
I guess I'm never comfortable or situational

Are we losing or beginning
To try a new life without you?

The moment that's where I
Kill the conversation, wrap this up
With a lie that I'm enjoying every minute with myself
And she could make hell feel just like home
So I'm never leaving her alone
But if your lightning lips aren't mine
Then I don't know the awkward stranger to my right
(But she's crying)

I only need one hand to drive
When you're with me
You are my getaway
Oh, no!

And don't you ever feel alone? And don't you wish you were home?
Cut the lust tonight; all right, all right
Tell me why my little Mona Lisa told a lie, lie, lie, lie
Do you want me? Do you want to let me know that you're okay?
A diamond gold ring customized to cut your circulation
But I couldn't let you go; no, I'd never let you go my dear
So keep talking 'cause I love to hear your voice
(Love to hear your voice, love to hear your...)
Voice again

Похожие новости.



Гей! Лине біля річки Пісня чоловіча, А дівчина-молодиця Миється у річці. Полонина, полонина, Полонина,



Всё да? Ок! Короче вчера вечером у меня небыло текста На этот супер классный третий раунд И конечно же супер классный седьмой баттл Ну вообшем мне было насрать я лёг спать А когда открыл глаза

Agent X

Agent X

You never say what you feel, you're like a cog in a wheel. You better be quiet, never rebel or riot. Could it be that you are free? When their eyes can see what you're

Береги Себя, Мой Ангел

Береги Себя, Мой Ангел

Береги себя, мой ангел, Я давно хотел признаться: У меня на свете ближе никого Посредине облачного севера Ты – мой заповедный островок. Береги себя, мой ангел, Пусть года и расстоянья Никогда не разлучают нас с тобой. Дни мои



Мы идем большой толпой Мы идем к тебе, к тебе домой Мы же лучшие друзья Не пустить нас в дом никак нельзя Будут танцы ун-ца-ца Ун-ца-ца и так без конца Если так дела пойдут То соседи снизу

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