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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 12.09.2012

I don't care if your beautiful lips
Exist out there 'cause I'm wonderless
Why the best can't make it in Hollywood
No more

It's like a long drag taken
Before the smoke hits the white sky
(Like the birds at night)
And it's fake just like the movies
Oh yeah

And I can't wait just to see you again
And your two faces are locked on mine
Had the worst time chasing the thought away
No hope (Oh no home)

Because maybe I'm a fake
Maybe you're to blame
Maybe I'm a star
(Stumbling drunk light)
My mistakes I've made won't leave me alone
Oh no

And if you don't find me on the front page
Find a way to say that you saw me
And if you don't find me in a movie
Find a way to say that you knew me
And if you don't find me on the front page
(You and I got lost along the way)
Find a way to say that you saw me
(But this will end some day some way)

And if you don't find me at all
Then I won't care

(Oh, yeah)
If I could find a place for the holiday
Maybe I would call
You're a payphone away
From the mess that I've become
I'm destroying what I love

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