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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 18.09.2012

She ain't as beautiful as me, but she's as beautiful as she can be
She ain't as cold as she want but she wants it to boil
She ain't as cold as she can be, don't you see
It takes a fast mind to figure out, what's on this whole earth this is all about
Let 'em ride for a while, let 'em wonder, oh
Why it takes a faster, faster, faster mind to figure out how

She's got a bent belt by her side
She's got that donkey paralyzed
She's got a cold inner wind and a ware full of sins
She's got a garagedoor where you've got lies
She's got a lifeline by her side
She's got a woman paralyzed
She's got a much elder husband than god's son himself
She's got a bagage full of hope and knives
Na! Get down!

She's selling basses down a ?backstreet stair?
Just down the alley where there's nothin' but air
And the birds took brake, 'round 1968
She's selling basses in a ?backstreet stair?
She took me down when just couldn't get ahead
She took my soul when I choosed laughter instead
Let me ride for a while let me wonder, oh
How it takes a faster, faster, faster mind to figure out how

She's got a bent belt?

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