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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 24.08.2012

Looking out across this town
Kinda makes me wonder how
All the things that made us great
Got left so far behind

This used to be a peaceful place
Decent folks, hard working ways
Now they hide behind locked doors
Afraid to speak their mind

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
I think we need a gunslinger
There'll be justice all around

Someone let the fences go
While that bunch moved in, you know
Shooting up the streets
Shoutin' everybody down
The dogs all running loose

Wreck the paper
Closed the school
Tired ol' judge got roughed up too
No one left to make a stand
They whisper, "what's the use"

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
I think we need a gunslinger
There'll be justice all around

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
Think we need a gunslinger
There'll be justice all around

I think we need a gunslinger
Somebody tough to tame this town
I think we need a gunslinger
There'll be justice all around

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