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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.08.2012

Me Find Body Mind
Weak Strong True
Warm Real
Touch Feel
Mind Love You

We are every season
You are every reason
Thank you baby 'cause you
You made me believe

I could believe
In me once again
I'm free once again
You make this world
A better place
Give me your hand
I want to face it again

I got life
I got love
I got you

I needed the simplicity of love

Never dreamed that I find that kind of depth for what we have today

For the closeness of our bodies

Is a beautiful expression of the intimacy as we share in our minds

And because we are willing to acknowledge each others human weakness

We are able to find the strength we need for our love to grow

From attraction, to closeness, to companionship as our new phase

For that kind of love is as true as the warmth of the sun

And is as real as a child's tear

'Cause that's something I can touch, something you can't explain

But something you can feel

I got life
I got love
I got you

You just need to be there
Find... And babe then you find me there
Body... Love my body
Mind... And live live in my mind
Weak...Together we'll find
Strong... Where we can be strong
True... True love 's never wrong
Warm... You make me warm
Real... You make me real
Touch... Now I can touch
Feel... What I feel in my heart

I got life
I got love
I got you

Me Mind Body..

You're weak and your strong
Strong, True

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