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The Connemara Coast

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 04.07.2012

Nothing can compare with the Connemara coast,
Gazing out in silence with the one you love the most,
The beauty of this place and the echoes deep inside,
Make me think we're only just a moment in time;

Then lead on good light gently through the night,
Hand in hand together we will cross that line;

Nothing can compare with the way you are tonight,
Lying here beside me in the firelight,
And one thing I will say before this journey's end,
That more than being my lover, you are my friend;

Then lead on good light gently through the night,

Hand in hand together we will cross that line,
Whatever may come and wherever we may go,
I will always be with you,
Because you are my heart and soul,

Whatever may come and wherever we may go,
I will always be with you,
Because you are my heart and soul.

Похожие новости.



Приспів: Факью, це мій айкью Факью, все що свідомість отримала Одні запитання й не одної відповіді від тебе факью (весь куплет - 2) Чому я не маю можливості жити по-іншому? Чому я вже звик до

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