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It’s Gonna Be Alright

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 08.11.2012

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.
'Cause everything's gonna be alright.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.

Too many problems in my life I find myself unable to maintain
The nigga that was takin' over my brain
Redesignin' my main frame
Developin' so much hatred I feel like fuck all of y'all
And for the slightest disrespect I would gladly touch all of y'all
Dedicated to doin' bad & addicted to drama
People think I'm missin' manners at home trainin' but I'm just missin' my mama
It's like I don't fit in this bullshit world
Surrounded by bullshit boys & bullshit bitches
That'll murder they own people for a come up
And that's why I be mean muggin' every son of a bitch that walk or run up
I'm paranoid my nigga, I keep one in the chamber
Willin' to trade my freedom for life & live among strangers
My goal is to become 110 years old
I found myself but I can't grow until I find my soul
Stuck on 25 but hopefully I'll survive, I'll make it
Receivin' heart pain from L.O.V.E. but I'll take it.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.
'Cause everything's gonna be alright.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.

Dear Dorothy I know your lookin' at your son from heaven
Totally peaceful as can be, without drugs & weapons
I wish I could open up the pearly gates & see your face
But I gotta sinful life mama & I may not get to see that place
I just can't keep my cool, muthafuckers be pressin the wrong buttons
I pull out my Jimmy Bone switchblade & start cuttin'
Nigga you ain't never known pain, you don't want this in your jugular vein
Rusty blades make gangrene spread like mayonnaise mayne
I can't think of nothin' that make me feel like that dro
Not even a woman 'cause quick as she comes she out the door
Can't put my trustin in Eve cause she got tricks up her sleeve
All I wanna do is live until I'm D.E.A.D.
Of natural causes I don't need nobody knockin' me off
Just let me fall bitch get out the way you blockin' me off
Stuck in the same spot but hopefully I'll survive, I'll make it
Disrespected by the people I love, but I'll take it.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.
'Cause everything's gonna be alright.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.
'Cause everything's gonna be alright.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.
'Cause everything's gonna be alright.

It's Gonna Be Alright
Keep your head up to the sky.
'Cause everything's gonna be alright.

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