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Right To Work

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 04.07.2012

[Originally by Chelsea]

Standing around just
For seven days a week
I won't even get no singing on fee
I feel ripped of, yeah
Hey, what about you?
Where was I born
What are we gonna do?
But this I say

We have the right to work

I don't even know what tomorrow will bring
But let me tell you, having no future is a terrible thing
Standing around just waiting for a career
I don't take drugs and I don't drink beer
But this I say

We have the right to work

Yes we do!
I don't even know what tomorrow will bring
Having no future is a terrible thing
Standing around just waiting for a career
I take lives and drugs
And I'm pissed up yeah
Cause I'm a nutter

We have the right to work

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